di Foundation For Middle East Peace,
16 gennaio 2023.
Lara Friedman della Fondazione per la Pace in Medio Oriente (FMEP) ha parlato con Francesca Albanese –esperta di diritto internazionale e Relatrice Speciale delle Nazioni Unite sulla situazione dei diritti umani nei Territori palestinesi occupati dal 1967– sulle azioni in corso, e in escalation, da parte di Israele per espellere con la forza più di 1.200 palestinesi dalle loro case nella regione della Cisgiordania nota come Masafer Yatta, situata nelle colline a Sud di Hebron.
Chi è Francesca Albanese
- Si può seguire su Twitter – @FranceskAlbs
- Il suo primo rapporto all’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite – 21 settembre 2022: “Sul diritto del popolo palestinese all’autodeterminazione, nel contesto delle caratteristiche coloniali della prolungata occupazione israeliana”.
- Francesca Albanese è studiosa affiliata presso l’Institute for the Study of International Migration della Georgetown University e consulente senior in materia di migrazione e sfollamento forzato per il gruppo di studio Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD), dove ha co-fondato la Global Network on the Question of Palestine (GNQP), una coalizione di rinomati professionisti e studiosi impegnati in/su Israele/Palestina. Ha pubblicato ampiamente sulla situazione giuridica di Israele/Palestina; il suo ultimo libro, Palestinian Refugees in International Law (Oxford University Press, 2020), offre un’analisi giuridica completa della situazione dei rifugiati palestinesi dalle origini alla realtà odierna. Insegna e tiene regolarmente conferenze sul diritto internazionale e sugli spostamenti forzati nelle università europee e arabe e interviene spesso a conferenze ed eventi pubblici sulla situazione giuridica della Palestina. Per un decennio ha lavorato come esperta di diritti umani per le Nazioni Unite, tra cui l’Ufficio dell’Alto Commissario per i diritti umani e l’Agenzia di soccorso e lavoro per i rifugiati palestinesi. In queste vesti, ha fornito consulenza alle Nazioni Unite, ai governi e alla società civile in Medio Oriente, Nord Africa e Asia-Pacifico sull’applicazione delle norme sui diritti umani, in particolare per i gruppi vulnerabili, tra cui i rifugiati e i migranti. Si è laureata in Giurisprudenza (con lode) presso l’Università di Pisa e ha conseguito un master in diritti umani presso l’Università di Londra, SOAS. Attualmente sta completando il dottorato di ricerca in Diritto internazionale dei rifugiati presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Amsterdam.
Oltre al video con l’intervista (50 min, visibile in inglese su YouTube), sono di utilità generale le risorse –messe a disposizione in questa occasione– che riguardano l’espulsione di palestinesi dalle loro case e dalle loro terre a Masafer Yatta e altrove.
Masafer Yatta
- FMEP resources on Masafer Yatta (individual program pages contain many relevant resources)
- +972 Magazine: focus on Masafer Yatta; Firing Zone 918 archive; South Hebron Hills archive
- Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI): explainer, “Prevent Expulsion of Palestinians from Hebron Hills”; info sheet, “The 12 Villages of Firing Zone 918 in the South Hebron Hills”
- B’Tselem: all resources on the South Hebron Hills; letter to the ICC urging “preventative intervention” to prevent the war crime of forcible population transfer in Firing Zone 918: B’Tselem urgent appeal to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court: stop Israel from committing a war crime in South Hebron Hills; Report — Firing Zone 918; map of the South Hebron Hills which shows the Firing Zone
- Akevot: “Document exposed by Akevot: Ariel Sharon instructed IDF to create training zone to displace Palestinians”
- Al Haq: Submission to the UN Human Rights Council 10/6/22, 1,200 Palestinians Are at Imminent Risk of Forcible Transfer in Masafer Yatta; “Virtual Field Visit: Firing Zone 918”
- Youth of Sumud on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
- Save Masafer Yatta
- Norwegian Refugee Council: Helping Palestinians stand up to the forces of displacement
- “Portraits of Resistance in Masafer Yatta,” published in Jewish Currents with an introduction from Maya Rosen
UN & Masafer Yatta
- UN/OHCHR 8/2/22: Israel: Criminalisation and harassment of human rights defenders in Masafer Yatta must end, say UN experts
- 6/23/22: Masafer Yatta Palestinians at Increased Risk Since Court Ruling – Humanitarian Coordinator Statement (Yvonne Helle, the Humanitarian Coordinator)
- UN/OHCHR 5/16/22: UN experts alarmed by Israel High Court ruling on Masafer Yatta and risk of imminent forcible transfer of Palestinians
- 5/5/22: Statement by United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Lynn Hastings on Masafer Yatta
FMEP Podcasts & Webinars
- 10/29/22: Threats, Attacks, and Steadfastness in Masafer Yatta, ft. FMEP’s Sarah Anne Minkin in conversation with Basil al-Adraa (journalist & activist)
- 7/4/22: “The people are devastated”: Demolitions, Harassment, and Live Fire IDF Training in Masafer Yatta, ft. Ali Awad (writer & activist from Tuba, Masafer Yatta) in conversation with Sarah Anne Minkin (FMEP)
- 6/20/22: “It’s our responsibility to turn on the light”: Masafer Yatta, Apartheid, and Youth Activism, ft. Sameeha Hureini (activist/university student from A-Twani village in Masafer Yatta in the South Hebron Hills) in conversation with FMEP’s Sarah Anne Minkin
- 3/9/22: Israeli Apartheid, the Supreme Court, and Land Confiscation: The Case of Masafer Yatta, ft. Featuring Ali Awad (writer & activist from Tuba, Masafer Yatta) and Maya Rosen (Jerusalem-based activist) with Sarah Anne Minkin (FMEP)
- 1/12/22: “We don’t have another place to go:” Dispossession, Settler Violence, & Resistance in Masafer Yatta, ft. FMEP’s Sarah Anne Minkin and activist/author Ali Awad
- 12/9/21: Israeli Government Escalates Pressure on Israelis Who Stand in Solidarity with Palestinians, ft. FMEP’s Lara Friedman speaks with Oriel Eisner (an American-Israeli activist & organizer with the Center for Jewish Nonviolence) and Maya Eshel (American-Israel activist currently engaged in daily solidarity work in the South Hebron Hills)
Settler & IDF Violence in the South Hebron Hills
- B’tselem – timeline of settler attacks, Hebron District
- +972’s archive of reporting on Masafer Yatta, mostly by residents of Masafer Yatta
- Ali Awad’s article on settler threats & violence against schoolchildren from Tuba who go to school in A’Twani: For 17 Years, Stone-throwing Settlers Have Terrorized Palestinian Children. I Was One of Them
- Al Jazeera: Palestinians in West Bank’s Masafer Yatta decry settler attacks
On Israel’s use of Firing Zones to seize West Bank land
- Kerem Navot: A Locked Garden: Declaration of Closed Areas in the West Bank
- UN/OCHA on the humanitarian impact of firing zones
- Al Jazeera: Life in a Jordan Valley firing zone
- Maan Development Center: Moving Nowhere: Firing Zones and Forcible Transfer in the Jordan Valley
- Middle East Monitor: Sealed Off and Forgotten: What You Should Know about Israel’s ‘Firing Zones’ in the West Bank
- Defense for Children International-Palestine: When Home became a military firing zone
- Al Monitor: Israel displaces 11 Palestinian families in Jordan Valley” – due to military drills
- Times of Israel: Israel again tears down contested Palestinian hamlet in Jordan Valley
Settlements in Firing Zones
- Haaretz: IDF Earmarking West Bank Firing Zones for Settler Expansion, Figures Show
- Haaretz: IDF Cancels Status of Firing Zone to Enable Expansion of Nearby Settlement