Una fonte di informazioni potenzialmente utili sulle attività dell’ONU che riguardano la Palestina

da United Nations System of Information on Palestine,

9 novembre 2022. 

Si tratta di un bollettino mensile che riunisce tutti documenti ufficiali dell’ONU e dei suoi vari Comitati che riguardano la questione palestinese, in una o più delle lingue ufficiali dell’ONU ((Arabo, Cinese, Inglese, Francese, Russo e Spagnolo). Qui sotto, un esempio dell’ultimo numero (Ottobre 2022):

Dear Colleague,

Please find below the link to and the table of contents of the Bulletin on action by the United Nations system and intergovernmental organizations relevant to the question of Palestine (October 2022).

Click here  to access the full Monthly Bulletin.

Warm regards,

Division for Palestinian Rights | DPPA-DPO | United Nations

Table of Contents

I. Secretary-General reports on Israeli settlements

II. Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices issues report

III. UN Special Coordinator alarmed by the deteriorating security situation

IV. Secretary-General welcomes the signing of Algiers Declaration by Palestinian groups

V. EU and World Bank sign a €9 million agreement to support Palestinian economy

VI. Secretary-General appoints three international experts to the Board of the Register of Damage

VII. Acting Humanitarian Coordinator expresses alarm over increase in violence and movement restrictions

VIII. UN Special Rapporteurs condemn Israeli punitive measures against French-Palestinian human rights defender

IX. UNRWA Commissioner-General issues urgent appeal for US$ 13 million to aid Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

X. UAE and WHO sign US$ 25 million agreement to support hospital in East Jerusalem

XI. Saudi Arabia contributes US$ 27 million to support UNRWA

XII. UN Special Rapporteur calls for dismantling of settler-colonial occupation and its apartheid practices

XIII. Independent International Commission of Inquiry finds there are grounds to consider the Israeli occupation unlawful

XIV. UN Security Council holds open debate on the situation in the Middle East

XV. UN Human Rights Office expresses concern over targeted killings in Nablus



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