Secondo Ramallah International Work Camp

Siete tra i 18 e i 40 anni?
Volete fare un esperienza di lavoro volontario e un viaggio di conoscenza in Palestina?
Volete incontrare palestinesi e internazionali e trascorrere giorni insieme, restaurando una piazza, piantare alberi, visitare citta’, villaggi ,campi profughi ed incontrare palestinesi che resistono quotidianamente nella Palestina occupata?

Allora non perdete tempo iscrivetevi al campo internazionale di lavoro e conoscenza organizzato dalla Municipalità di Ramallah dal 7 al 14 luglio 2012.

Il costo per tutta la permanenza e’ di 200 euro, a vostro carico anche il biglietto di viaggio.

Per l’ Italia c’è un massimo di 20 posti. Sarebbe molto utile parlare l’inglese, che sarà la lingua di comunicazione.
Le iscrizioni chiudono il 31 maggio.

Per l’ Italia le iscrizioni si fanno scrivendo mail a:

The Ramallah International Work Camp 2012

From 7th of July- 14th of July

The Ramallah Municipality is pleased to announce the 2nd Ramallah International Work Camp (RIWC) which comes in its second edition to revive and orchestrate voluntary work in the city of Ramallah. Expected to start on Saturday the 7th of July 2012 and end on Saturday the 14th of July, the Ramallah International Work Camp fulfils the Ramallah Municipality’s desire to promote the city of Ramallah amongst youth throughout the world and allow Palestinian youth a unique chance of cultural exposure. In this year’s edition, participants from the neighboring Arab countries will be targeted and highly encouraged to apply.

RIWC is ready to receive applicants of two categories: participants and volunteers. A participant is expected to abide by the full program of RIWC while volunteers are given the chance to partially participate in the camp. Through RIWC, the Ramallah Municipality will offer a kaleidoscope of work opportunities that range from building a public’s playground, to tree planting and community services that will specially target the most marginalized groups in the city of Ramallah. A special cultural and educational program will also be organized for the participants in the camps. RIWC participants will camp in a campsite in the IBSA Sports Hall in special areas designated for men and women.( 18-40 years old) All expenses that pertain to the stay in Ramallah city will be covered by the Ramallah Municipality. (Application deadline 31-5-2012)

In an attempt to consolidate the spirit of cooperation, the Ramallah Municipality formed a steering committee commissioned to run RIWC whose members represent the most prominent youth organizations working in the city: First Ramallah Group, Ramallah Islamic Club, Ramallah Orthodox Club, Ramallah Youth Club, Qadura Youth Club, Ministry of Youth and Sports and Birzeit University.

For further information on registration and RIWC regulations please email us at:

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