Assopace Palestina chiede il rilascio di Mohammed Khatib arrestato dall’esercito israeliano

Assopacepalestina chiede ad Amnesty International e Frontline Human Rights Defenders di intervenire per la Liberazione di Mohammed Khatib, attivista non violento arrestato il 13 Novembre dall’esercito israeliano durante una manifestazione pacifica nel villaggio di Bil’in.

MOhammed Khatib

Dear Frontline Human Rights Defenders and Amnesty International,

I write you to bring to your attention the arrest of Mohammed Khatib, Palestinian citizen, lawyer, non-violent activist, human rights defender. During a peaceful demonstration in Bil’in, yesterday, Friday November 13th, Israeli soldiers arrested Mohammed and three international nonviolent activists.

Mohammed is a member of the Bil’in Popular Committee and the co founder of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Coordination Committee, a nonviolent resistance movement which opposes the Israeli Military Occupation of the West Bank, the construction of the Wall and the expansion of the settlements, denouncing Human Rights abuses perpetrated by the apartheid system promoted by the Israeli Government in the occupied Palestinian territory.          

Mohammed is at the moment jailed for his non-violent activities. He is one of many non-violent activists who have recently been arrested. We do not know for how long he will be detained. As in all cases of administrative detention, there is no charge and there will be no trial.

The international community is highly worried for the freedom of Mohammed and the other non-violent activists. We fear a new wave of repression, on the part of the Israeli government, now targeting non-violent activists.

In this crucial historical moment for that region, it is an important political act to protect Palestinian and Israeli human rights defenders, who strenuously choose nonviolence, in their legitimate right to protest and to defend the rights of the Palestinian people in a nonviolent manner.

We appeal to you and ask you to assume the defense of Mohammed Khatib, to pressure the Israeli government regarding his acquittal, so that he can continue to work freely for the construction of a common peace.

Luisa Morgantini,

Former Vice President of the European Parliament

Mohammed Khatib, un membro del comitato popolare di Bil’in eco-fondatore di PSCC :
“Guardo i miei figli giocare sull’erba. La stessa domanda che mi e’ stata chiesta da Hanan riguardo ai colori mi torna in mente: Immagine che non ci sia il bianco – come sai che il nero e’ nero?
Pensando a tutta la mia vita fino ad ora, da quando sono nato, tutto quello che ho vissuto sotto l’occupazione, guardando i miei figli che continuano a vivere come me, realizzo che non capisco quale e’ il significato della vita senza l’occupazione perche’ non ha avuto la possibilita’ di sperimentarlo.
Se l’occupazione e’ il nero, e il nero e’ l’opposto del bianco, se non conosciamo il bianco, come sapremo che esiste un bianco?
E se c’e’ un bianco, e’ possibile che lo vivremo mai o il bianco non esistera’ mai per noi?
Seba improvvisamente viene ad abbracciarmi forte e poi scompare nei campi.
Abbiamo il bianco dentro di noi e lavoro duramente per mostrare ad Hanan e ai miei figli non soltanto il bianco ma che il bianco contiene tutti i colori”
Khaled as your name, a book from Bil’in di Mohammed Khatib
Mohammed Khatib e’ stato arrestato Venerdi’ 13 Novembre nel suo villaggio di Bil’in per partecipare a una manifetazione non violenta

“I look at my children playing on the grass. The same question that has been asked to me by Hanan about the colors comes back to me: Imagine that there is no white – how do you know that the black is black?
Thinking of my entire life up to now, since I have been born, all of which I lived under the occupation, looking at my children who are continuing to live the same as me, I realize that I do not understand what is the meaning of life without occupation because I did not have the chance to experiment it.
If the occupation is the black, and the black is the opposite of white, if we do not know the white, how will we know that there is a white?
And if there is a white, is it possible that we will ever live it or the white will never exist for us?
Seba suddenly comes to hug me strongly and then disappears in the fields.
We have the white inside ourselves and I am working hard to show Hanan and my children not only the white, but that the white contains all the colours.”
Khaled as your name , a book from Bil’in by Mohammed Khatib
Mohammed Khatib was arrested Friday 13th of November in his Village Bil’in for participating in a non violent demonstration
Mohammed Khatib

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