Uno, due, mille Bab Al Shams, oggi è Al Manatir


Centinaia di residenti di Burin, villaggio nei pressi di Nablus, in collaborazione con i comitati popolari e attivisti palestinesi , hanno costruito un nuovo villaggio sulle terre minacciate dalla confisca e sotto continuo attacco da parte di fanatici coloni ebrei israeliani dell’insediamento di Har Brakha.


Gli hanno dato il nome di Al-Manatir, le capanne di pietra tradizionali costruite sui loro terreni agricoli, utilizzati come rifugio e ripostiglio.

Negli ultimi anni il villaggio di Burin ha sofferto di frequenti attacchi dei coloni, sia dai coloni di Har Brakha che da quelli di Yitzhar. Gli attivisti sottolineano che il loro obiettivo principale è quello di sostenere la presenza sul territorio, proteggere dalla confisca e affermare sul terreno i diritti dei residenti Burin alla loro terra.

Intanto gruppi di coloni di Har Brakha iniziato ad attaccare i palestinesi lanciandogli pietre. L’esercito, presente in grandi forze, ha sparato gas lacrimogeni e granate assordanti contro i palestinesi, ma fino ad ora, non è stato in grado allontanare i palestinesi.

Questa attività mette in evidenza l’assoluta necessità di promuovere e rafforzare la cultura di base di auto-difesa della nostra terra“, ha detto uno degli organizzatori. “Inoltre, l’azione mira a rimuovere i coloni e gli insediamenti di terra palestinese“, ha aggiunto.

 Burin è un villaggio palestinese situato a 7 chilometri a sud-ovest della città di Nablus. Il villaggio di 2.500 abitanti  su un area di 1.300 dunams. Terra e risorse idriche di Burin sono stati gradualmente ridotti dopo l’occupazione del 1967 israeliana a causa dell’ espropriazione delle terre per far posto a insediamenti israeliani e basi militari.

Dal 1982 più di 2.000 dunum di terra Burin sono stati dichiarati “terra di stato” dall’Amministrazione Civile Israeliana, e poi consegnato ai coloni di Har Brakha. Il paese è continuamente posto sotto attacco dei coloni, compreso l’uso di munizioni vere contro i residenti e l’incendio e la distruzione di proprietà e ulivi.

 Lunga vita Al Manatir, libertà per la Palestina.

Comunicato dei comitati popolari (articolo in inglese)

Saturday, 2 February 2013 

Palestinians Build Tents and Huts in Burin Village to Ward off Settlement Expansion. Hundreds built the Manatir Neighborhood on the lands of the village, south-west of Nablus, which is routinely the target of settler attacks.


Hundreds of Burin’s residents, together with Palestinian activists from across Palestine, established a new makeshift neighborhood of huts and tents in the village today, on lands threatened by confiscation by the adjacent Jewish-only settlement of Har Brakha.

The new neighborhood is named Al-Manatir, after the traditional stone huts Palstinians built in their agricultural lands, which were used as shelter for the watchmen of the fields.

In recent years, the village of Buring has suffered from frequent Settler attacks, launched from both the Har Brakha and the Yitzhar settlements. Activists stress that their main goal is to sustain presence on the land, as means of protecting it from confiscation and establishing the rights of Burin’s residents to their land.

Shortly after the structures were established, groups of settlers from Har Brakha started to convene in the area and attack the Palestinians by throwing stones at them. The army, present in large forces, shot tear-gas and stun grenades at the Palestinians, but as of yet, was not able to drive the residents away.

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“This activity highlights the crucial need of enhancing and strengthening the culture of grassroots self-defense of our land”, said one of the organizers. “Furthermore, the action aims at removing settlers and settlements from Palestinian land”, she added.

Israeli settlements and land-grab in the Occupied Territory has recently been highlighted by a report submitted to the UN’s Human Rights Council’s by an independent Fact-Finding Mission on Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The report called has called on Israel to halt all settlement activity and to ensure accountability for the violations of Palestinians’ human rights, resulting from the settlements. The report also called on all relevant international actors, private or state-connected, to take “all necessary steps” to ensure that they were respecting human rights, “including by terminating their business interests in the settlements”.

Burin is a Palestinian village in the Nablus District, located 7 kilometers south-west of the city of Nablus.  The village’s 2500 residents reside on approximately1300 dunams (320 acres, 130 hectares). Land and water resources of Burin have gradually been reduced since the 1967 Israeli occupation due to expropriation for Israeli settlements and military bases. Since 1982 more than 2,000 dunams of Burin’s land have been declared “state land” by the Israeli Civil Administration, and then handed over to the settlers of Har Brakha. The village suffers from ongoing settler attacks, including the use of live ammunition against residents and the burning and destruction of property and olive trees.


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