![]() Help us generate cultural resistance in Palestine – next year too As we prepare to say goodbye to 2012 we look forward to a new year: a new year of restless struggle for a free and equal Palestine; a struggle in which we take front position by continuing to generate a cultural resistance. During 2013 we will present a new class of Acting School students and new Freedom Bus rides, joining populations facing forced evictions and ethnic cleansing. Help us to transform the lived experiences of men, women, and children into improvised theatre pieces, to bring isolated communities together and train local youth in the skills necessary to express themselves through photography and film. The Freedom Theatre provides all its activities for free in one of the poorest areas in Palestine – Jenin refugee camp. Your support is absolutely essential to our ability to continue improving the lives of youth, women and children through the arts.
HERE’S WHAT YOU CAN DO In the new year, we would like to get 100 people to contribute towards the long-term sustainability of our projects by setting up a monthly donation plan of 10USD per month (or its equivalent). Register for a monthly contribution and we will send you two t-shirts, one for you and one for you to give away. The t-shirts will contain one of The Freedom Theatre’s own designs:
HOW TO DONATE Donate through PayPal or bank transfer
WANT TO DO MORE? Help spread the word! Let people know that you just made a monthly contribution to The Freedom Theatre and that others can do the same. SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH YOUR NETWORK! ” I just signed up for a monthly donation to help The Freedom Theatre continue to offer quality stage productions and training in drama, photography and creative writing to improve the lives of youth in Palestine. You can do the same! Here’s how to donate:
Donate through PayPal or bank transfer Tax deductible donations through The Freedom Theatre’s partner MECA ”
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! See you in 2013! Check out The Freedom Theatre’s brand new website Follow The Freedom Theatre on Facebook |